Bankruptcy Law

Giving you and your family a financial fresh start
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Bankruptcy Attorney In Colorado

Protecting You from Creditors Through Bankruptcy

In the United States, bankruptcy is a matter of federal law, although state law has the power to modify some aspects of the bankruptcy laws. The statutes enacted by Congress allow a debtor to declare bankruptcy and subsequently discharge certain debts and in some cases restructure debts into a plan of repayment. Types of bankruptcy in the U.S. include:

  • Consumer bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or 13
  • Business bankruptcy under Chapter 9, 11, or 12
  • International business bankruptcy under Chapter 15

State laws control the validity of bankruptcy claims as well as the exemption of assets. Therefore, bankruptcy cases can look very different in various states. A debtor needs a bankruptcy attorney with experience in the specific regulations of the relevant state.

Contact Law Offices of Andrew F. McKenna, P.C. to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 303-730-8819

Why File for Bankruptcy?

Although bankruptcy can save the financial situations of many struggling families, a negative association with the claim prevents many from benefiting from the clean slate that bankruptcy can offer. With a growing surge of bankruptcy cases in Colorado, residents of the state are beginning to view bankruptcy in a less negative light. Bankruptcy presents many advantages, such as:

  • Relief from creditor harassment and threats
  • The discharge of debt, excluding certain types of debt such as student loans and taxes
  • A more reasonable payment plan based on your income

A consultation with an experienced lawyer in your area can help you to weigh the benefits and disadvantages of filing for bankruptcy. Depending on your state’s exemption laws, you may be able to keep the majority of your property. A bankruptcy attorney will inform you about the possible consequences of filing for bankruptcy, such as the effect on your credit score and your ability to obtain credit cards.

What Are The Differences Between Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you’ll be able to eliminate most of your debt, such as medical bills, credit cards, past due tax bills, vehicle repossessions, and other types of debt. Chapter 7 will put an end to frozen bank accounts, garnishments, and threatened lawsuits as soon as you file. You can usually keep some of your possessions, including your car and house, if you make on-time payments.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, on the other hand, consolidates all your debt into a single, affordable monthly payment until you pay your debt in full. It, too, stops the hassle and stress of lawsuits, frozen bank accounts, and garnishments immediately after you file. It can also put an end to car repossessions and foreclosures, allowing you to catch up on your back payments if your budget can accommodate them. Don’t put up with debt collectors’ harassment a moment longer. Contact one of our bankruptcy lawyers today to get started.

The Tough Questions

The team at the Law Offices of Andrew F. McKenna, P.C. is thoroughly capable of answering all of the hard questions you have about bankruptcy. Although filing for bankruptcy is a serious choice, many people don’t realize the protections that are in place to keep them from losing everything. Your questions may include:

  • Will I lose my car?
  • Will I lose my home?
  • That is the bankruptcy process?
  • Will I be able to get credit cards?

Our attorneys are well versed in the Colorado state laws regarding exemptions. Although you have the choice between claiming federal exemptions and state exemptions, we can offer you council about which set of exemptions will be most beneficial in your personal case.

If you are evaluating the effect bankruptcy would have on your life, call the Law Offices of Andrew F. McKenna, P.C. for a free consultation. With an office conveniently located in Denver, Colorado Springs and Grand Junction, we attorneys are prepared to help you.

Contact Us Now

Disclaimer: We are a debt relief agency. We are attorneys who help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.


Our Bankruptcy Case Types

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